Saturday, February 10, 2007

I Continue Repenting

I once was told
without a soul
I'd weep and sleep forever

I wish I knew
this were untrue
that all were safe endeavors


I did not deserve
these beautiful curves
a flat line would suit me fine

and all that is here
at least it appears
I couldn't even decline


I've sinned and I've been
convicted of them
though forgiveness a single step more


it just seems unfair
even with what I've bared
that my life could end up so clean

yet between light and dark
the contrast is stark
not too unlike a fear and dream

so then what if what's here
one day disappears
is the truth then buried somewhere between?

and why is this all so serene?

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Power Trip

Your mouth moves slow
Your words are clear
Though you may listen
You cannot hear

For your mind is made
for you are so tall
my voice is hushed
For I am so small

You use your stature
in a subtle way
to slowly get across
what you're trying to say
But I will not play
absent minded today.

I will question every word
in an undermining tone
for though you silence other,
I know I'm not alone

You may whisper as you shout
but you cannot fool me
The agenda you're pushing
is as clear as can be.

You say you preach tolerance
you say you'll accept us all
but when you act, that contradicts
and I don't believe your gall

Prove to me beyond a doubt
that what you say it true
beyond that shadow, please
you didn't mindlessly assume

Or I will continue as I have
to question every call
for your ignorance is overwhelming
and your brain is very small.


Hold my hand,
Don't slip on the ice.
Some sleek slip slope.
Walk, walk, talk, talk
Tender kisses from a snowy fall.

Inside, the fireplace.
Wet clothes off.
Speak as if you've never spoke
The winter air cracked your lips
Your hair is softer than soft.

Dip, drip, into the hot tub
Touch my face,
pour our your heart.

New year's goodbye,
Don't, won't, can't forget
Empty without those
late night talks and walks.

An affair,
better left at elevation.

Seized power won't make a democracy

The Tv's staring blanky at me.
The clocks chime as
We wait for the state of the union

"The future's bleak, it's all downhill
unless your freedom you can forsake."
Tough to swallow, a bitter pill
Mindless nods from a god fearing few

Riot! Riot! Shattered glass screams
No saftey in a world without privacy
A court decided the right to die
To speak, to breathe, to move, to think
Classless felons to philandering hearts
All share a nine numbered destiny
They did not choose
They can not choose

Terror has always been
their most effective tool.


Up all night, all upset
always doubts of cool
want to stay sixteen forever
never leave this school.

Life I know may be routine
all I know is I know
I need to sleep
Nights of endless unrest
Why the rhythm tune?

Why me, why you?

Gone and Begin Again

When I wonder, ask
which you think is best
Why your face longs so
motives behind unrest

I mostly wonder fault
detrimental choices
or altering causes
Did I cause it?

Or were the words
just being formed?

How do I say
what I want
how much can I take?
Will I go blind?
Is this real?
Why am I always
thinking of you?


Hard to describe
just what I feel inside
hypnotised by the lies
of a fulfilled life.

Lost, confused, feeling trite
I can't live without you
though I just might

Want to cleanse my life
hear from inbetween
What I felt for you,
you never felt for me.

Can feel the teeming
of an endless night
Won't lose the feeling
Though I can't deny
One day, bodies petrified
tears embalmed, unify,
one thing in common,

all live to die.